Business Advisory & Business Planning
Highly Experienced and Qualified in Business and Corporate Law
Every business should have an attorney available to provide legal advice and assist with general business planning. If you are in search of an attorney to advise you on your business, you are probably wondering how you would evaluate whether or not they would be a good fit for your company and could deliver the services you need at a price you’re willing to pay.

Here are 7 things to consider when hiring a business attorney for your company:
Find a Lawyer Before You Need One
Hiring a business lawyer before you really need him or her will pay dividends in the long-term. Help him or her get to know your business, your business model, your plans for the future. When problems arise (and they will), your attorney will already know your business and be prepared to act quickly.
Look Past the Big Firms
While there may be a couple of large firms that specialize in serving your industry, hiring a small or medium-sized firm could pay bigger dividends for you down the road – not just in cost savings, but in the time and special attention you will get from more experienced attorneys.
Know your Legal Team
It’s important to know the attorney who will be working with you. Does the attorney appear competent, experienced, and care about your business? Ask to meet with the attorney or attorneys who will actually be servicing your account before you sign.
Find a Firm That’s Proactive
You want a lawyer who not only answers to the current question but also anticipates what future problems may arise and can provide solutions to those future problems.
Ask the Right Questions
Don’t just call up and ask the easy question “how much do you charge?”, but also the hard questions that should be thoroughly answered before you move forward.
Make Sure it’s Comprehensive
Any business lawyer you are working with should be talking with you about legacy – how your business is positively impacting the world now and what will happen to your business when you are no longer around to manage it.
Look for a Connection
Your lawyer won’t be much help to you if you can’t understand the advice that he or she is giving you. Be sure the attorney you hire can explain to you in layman’s language the legal issues confronting your business; don’t pay for advice you don’t understand.

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Satori Law Group is highly experienced and qualified to provide legal advice and assist with general business planning. Each business is different, and that's why tailor-made solutions are a must. For a complimentary consultation, contact our offices today!
Fill out the form below or call us: (714) 593-8659